Comfort and Wisdom from God: The Bible’s Wisdom Literature
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The Books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and Job are all part of what most people classify as the “Wisdom Literature” of the Bible. It is poetic scripture, to be sure; and a study of it can be deeply rewarding. Though a few scholars may argue otherwise, the overwhelming evidence is that each of the first three books was written almost entirely by Solomon.
These books brim with proverbs, poetry, instruction and wisdom concerning all aspects of life. Whether the subject is about growing up or growing old, raising children, or the marriage relationship, the Wisdom Literature has much to say about it. There is wisdom to be found in Proverbs alone that could quite literally fill volumes. Learn how the Song of Solomon validates the joy of the physical relationship between husband and wife.
Discover with Solomon in Ecclesiastes what is more important than riches. This book is viewed so differently by different scholars; one might think that they are all reading different books. Some see it as optimistic, some pessimistic, poetic, sacrilegious, a book of wisdom, , and on and on. But Solomon clearly understood why man has the duty, and more importantly, the genuine need to love, to serve, and to fear God all at the same time.